Where can I get Help?

IF THIS IS AN EMERGENCY: Call your local Police Department or 911

You are not alone. Help and assistance is available! By reporting hate activity in Orange County, you can receive direct referrals for services.

OC Human Relations and community-based organizations partnered together for the Hate Hurts Us All project offer the following support services/programs for those impacted by bias-motivated hate incidents and crimes.  

Support services available include: Advocacy; Basic Needs; Case & Family Management; Emergency Funding & Financial Assistance; Community Connection (faith, race/ethnicity, language, gender, and/or sexual orientation-based); Mental Health Resources, Counseling & Support Groups; Healthcare Screenings & Enrollment; Immigration, Refugee & Citizenship Assistance; Restorative Justice, Mediation, & Healing Circles; Legal Representation & Support; Transgender & Non-binary Community Support; Youth Programs & Services; and more services as needed.  

Access to support services is offered in multiple languages and in culturally relevant ways. 

The following agencies offer support and assistance via legal services, culturally specific communities, hate prevention, and accurate reporting initiatives: 

OC Human Relations 714.480.6580 https://www.splash.ochumanrelations.org/  
Access California Services (Access Cal) 714.917.0440 https://www.accesscal.org/  
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) – SoCal Intake 213.977.5253 https://www.aclusocal.org/  
Anti-Defamation League (ADL)  Online Contact Request: https://orangecounty.adl.org/contact/   
Asian Americans Advancing Justice – SoCal OC Office 213.977.7500  Multiple languages access:  https://www.ajsocal.org/  
California Civil Rights Department 800.884.1684  Local Office 213.439.6799 Hate Violence & CA vs. Hate Information: https://calcivilrights.ca.gov/hateviolence/  
California Conference for Equality & Justice (CCEJ) 562.435.8184 https://www.cacej.org/  
California Department of Justice, Office of Attorney General 877.433.9069 Bias-Motivated Acts Prevention & Education:
About Hate Crimes: https://oag.ca.gov/hatecrimes
Center for Asian Americans in Action  https://aaactioncenter.org/  
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) 714.776.1847 https://ca.cair.com/losangeles/  
Dayle McIntosh Center 714.621.3300 https://daylemc.org/  
Jewish Federation OC 949.435.3484 https://www.jewishorangecounty.org/  
Korean Community Services 714.449.1125 https://www.kcsinc.org/  
Lambda Legal, Western Regional Office 213.382.7600 Legal Help Desk Request: https://www.lambdalegal.org/legal-help-desk-form  
LGBTQ Center OC 714.953.5428
For Counseling, 714.953.5428, ext. 330  
Los Amigos of Orange County 714.758.8090 https://www.facebook.com/LosAmigosdeOC/  
NAACP, Orange County Branch  Online Contact Request: https://www.naacpoc.org/contact  
Discriminatory/Civil Rights Complaint: https://www.naacpoc.org/discrimination-form  
OC Asian & Pacific Islander Community Alliance (OCAPICA) 714.636.9095 https://www.ocapica.org/  
OC Equality Coalition 714.248.6530 https://www.ocequality.org/  
OC Interfaith Network  https://ocinterfaith.org/  
Orange County Congregation Community Organization (OCCCO) 714.491.0771 https://www.occcopico.org/  
Orange County District Attorney 714.834.3600 https://orangecountyda.org/  
Parents, Families, & Friends of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAG) 714.997.8047 Orange County: http://www.lbpflag.org/orange-county.html  
South Orange County: http://www.lbpflag.org/south-orange-county.html  
Newport Beach: https://pflagnewportbeach.org/  
Sikh Council California 877.225.7454  
South Asian Network (SAN) 562.403.0488 https://southasiannetwork.org/  
South East Los Angeles North Orange County Chapter of the Japanese American Citizen’s League (SELANOCO) 949.586.6640  
The Cambodian Family 714.571.1966 https://cambodianfamily.org/  
The G.R.E.E.N. Foundation 714.756.0027 https://www.thegreenfoundation.net/  
U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime 212.307.5983 https://ovc.ojp.gov/  
(formerly CSP – Victims Assistance) 
24-hour Help 714.957.2737
Office 949.250.0488 