Our Dispute Resolution Team is offering a Constructive Conflict Engagement Skills Training series that provides individuals the tools  to turn conflict situations into a positive experience while de-escalating high conflict situations.

This 5-part training series explores the nature of conflict and provides opportunities to learn and practice positive conflict resolution skills. Each of the 5 sessions has a specific focus with educational materials, activities, and useful take-aways provided.

In session one, participants learn to better understand the nature of conflict and how the way we choose to engage in conflict has impact. The second session focuses on exploring how our personal identities shape our perceptions and the way we engage with others when we are experiencing conflict. In the next 2 sessions, participants engage in activities to practice good listening and expressing skills; explore the difference between discussion, debate and dialogue; and learn why true dialogue is the key to working through conflicts in a constructive way. And finally, the training wraps up with an opportunity for participants to apply their newly acquired skills and experience constructive effective dialogue in conflict role plays. 

We look forward to the positive impact this training will have in the lives of those who take it as well as the lives of those with whom they interact. This truly is PREVENTATIVE Dispute Resolution!  

For more information please contact Senior Conflict Resolution Specialist Madeline Wall at madeline@splash.ochumanrelations.org