OC Human Relations works to create safe and inclusive communities by partnering with cities, hospitals and other agencies to facilitate community change efforts in disenfranchised, under-represented communities to build community capacity, community leadership, empower residents to problem solve, have a voice and work collectively toward community systems change.

OC Human Relations uses the following community building processes to build capacity in neighborhoods and communities:

  • community centered and participative decision making
  • strengthening collaboration and relationships
  • building social capital by strengthening ties and trust among stakeholders
  • focusing on capacities and assets of communities and individuals
  • strengthening civic engagement and community advocacy
  • addressing deep-rooted issues of racism and discrimination

We provide capacity building technical assistance in the areas of Leadership Development, Organizational Development, Community Assessment and Problem Solving, Strategic Planning and Community Engagement.

Over the past few years OC Human Relations has been working with city representatives, local hospitals and agencies to develop a community collaborative and a Community Building Initiative to find solutions to San Clemente’s disenfranchised neighborhood’s deep-seated, chronic social problems.

For more information contact Norma Lopez at norma@splash.ochumanrelations.org or phone 714-480-6594.