OC Putting More Emphasis on ‘Human Relations Matters’

OC Putting More Emphasis on 'Human Relations Matters'

Orange County Register, March 10, 1974 Unlike past years, county administrators are putting more emphasis on “human relations” matters. Two years ago, when the human relations commission was formed, county supervisors were reluctant to give it a permanent status and a budget for more than one employee. Click here to read the rest of the article.

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Human Relations Units – Can They Do The Job?

Human Relations Units - Can They Do The Job?

Los Angeles Times, Sept. 20, 1970 The old man stood up proudly to relish a rare moment in his life. He was telling city hall off. His complaints detailed a Santa Ana city government devoid of compassion for the fate of low income families that have been or are being displaced by city street widening and similar public projects.

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