OC Human Relations Changes Name

OC Human Relations Changes Name

“A broad, deep swell or rolling of the sea. A surge of support, approval or enthusiasm, especially among the general public.” We are a groundswell. We are shifting energy. We are movement forward. Together, we amplify opinions, we create change, and we work to build a more collective, supportive, and belonging community. Full website coming soon at https://wearegroundswell.org/

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A Note From Our CEO on 2021 Hate Crime Report Release

A Note From Our CEO on 2021 Hate Crime Report Release

A Note from our CEO, Alison Edwards: The 2021 Hate Activity Report was released last week. While I am happy to see a slight decrease in hate motivated crimes, overall the report shows that, when crimes and incidents are combined, our upward trend continues. Our rise in hate activity reflects the growing division in our nation and resulting dehumanization of

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OC Human Relations Looks to Curb Rising Hate Crimes

OC Human Relations Looks to Curb Rising Hate Crimes

OC Human Relations Council Looks to Curb Rising Hate Crimes The Voice of OC, July 19 2022BY ANGELINA HICKS The OC Human Relations Council is tackling hate crimes and incidents through a combination of community education and expanding reporting tools following a sharp rise in hate crimes over the past couple years. While the group hasn’t issued a report for 2021

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